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Delete and Renumber Questions

Note: To print this topic, press Ctrl+P or select File > Print in your browser menu.                                                                  

  1. Open the MyTest document.

  2. Press Alt+A+G to display gridlines.

  3. Select the question you want to delete and its answers. Make sure the rows are selected, not just the words, as indicated by the blue bars at the end of the first two rows.


  1. Press Ctrl+X or do one of the following to delete the question:

Word 2003

  1. Table > Delete > Table.

Word 2007

  1. Open the MyTest document.

  2. Under Table Tools, click Layout.


    1. Click Delete in Rows & Columns group.

    2. Click Delete Table.



  1. If there is an extra blank line where the deleted question used to be, delete it.

  2. Renumber the questions as needed by selecting each question’s number and typing the new one. For example, select the number 3 in the preceding illustration, type the number 2, and repeat until the test is numbered correctly. The result should look similar to this illustration:


  1. Press Ctrl+S to save the test.


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